Life is Good.

Life is Good.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Back to Training

I should be on the road for a 30 mile ride right now but I'm stalling so the temperature can rise a bit. When I took the kids to school it was 47 degrees. It's an hour later now so it should be at least 50 now. I can be such a wimp sometimes.

Life is starting to slow a bit, which is nice. During the weeks leading up to our vacation, I was working on our elementary school's yearbook, which I have done the last three years. I don't mind doing it, it's just time consuming.

I'm in week eight of my 16 week training for the Ironman 70.3. The numbers aren't too bad yet. My longest rides are up to 30-35 miles while my long run this week is only 8. I did pretty good on our cruise, running about 18 miles total and spinning for a total of at least 2 hours. I ended up gaining about 2-3 lbs which isn't too bad for as much as I ate (we're talking dessert both lunch and dinner and not to mention just the amount of food!) Hey, I had a great time and it was worth it. Now it's back to eating healthy and it feels good.

Training this week:

Monday: 2000 yard swim

Tuesday: Went to spin class instead of hill work outside. It was raining (more wimpiness). To my credit, we did a lot of hill work in class. After class, a guy (a definite cyclist) told me thanks for helping to push him. Hmm, I guess I appeared to be working hard.

Wednesday: I ran speed intervals on the treadmill for a total of 6 miles. I may be one of the crazy ones, but I really enjoy speed and hill work. It's much more interesting than tempo and distance runs. My workouts seem to go so much faster.

Thursday: 2400 yard swim. Swimming is going great. Have about a 45-50 second 50 yard pace, which I am content with. Endurance is feeling good, with my longest set yesterday at 1000 yards, taking about 17-18 min.

Today: I will ride 30 on the bike with a 3.5 mile run off the bike. I think I did pretty good keeping my base over the winter for the bike. I am riding strong (averaging 19mph, which is good for me).

Tomorrow: 8 mile run. My goal will be to get up early and get it done before Austin's soccer game at 8am. We'll see if that happens. I'm shooting for a 8:30 min mile pace.

Ok, that's my training week in a nutshell. And for your viewing pleasure, here are a couple pictures I took on my iPhone on my last brick (both a ride and run). I figured it might be interesting to document my ride/run with a couple of pictures:

Not the most flattering picture of me, but I am posting this in honor of Bill who bought my this awesome helmet for my birthday.

You can see things are starting to green up a bit. So nice.

So there's a little bit about where I am on the training. I really like having something to get me out the door for a good workout.


Amy @ Run Mom Run said...

I have no sympathy about the temperatures you're working out in. At all.

However, anyone who's doing a half ironman can probably kick my butt, so I shouldn't say anything.

loveourboys said...

Wow you are really inspiring! I really should get going on excercise..i blame it on being so busy, but if you can do all that in addition to everything else then i should be able to do something :). Anyway i am glad blake is at layton too. He really loves it!!!!!!

Brian said...

I appreciate hearing about your training. One question, I can drown in about 45-50 seconds...should I be content with that? : )