Life is Good.

Life is Good.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to School

Today I have a kid in 9th grade.... (he can never take a serious picture)
...I have a kid who thinks he's too old for sixth grade and should be in junior high...(can you spot that kid?)
...and then a happy fourth and first grader.

Erin is very happy to be in school all day and have lunch there. My biggest fear this year is that we could have daily meltdowns over clothes and hair at 8 in the morning. I haven't had to get a girl ready in the morning. She is very particular.
But, for the most part, I'm thinking it's gonna be a great year!


Amy Nielson said...

they all look so good for their first day back! LOVE erin's hair :)

well, they all look good with the exception of alex's shirt.

hooray for a blog post! i love seeing what you guys are up to!!

sbailey27 said...

Yes, I knew you would notice his shirt! If you have any old WSU shirts you want to take off your hands I'm sure he would wear that! I'm going to try to make more small posts to not overwhelm myself. We'll see how it goes :)